
The start of a new life is a unique moment

And now is the best time to preserve your baby’s stem cells!

 They are the youngest cells that can be preserved because they have not yet aged and have a high regenerative potential. More than 85 different diseases can be treated with this unique biological material and many more are in clinical trials. These stem cells are for family use and have a high rate of genetic compatibility with other family members.

Why preserve umbilical cord stem cells?

What does the preservation service include?

Two possibilities are available:

One-time payement: €2.375

– 30 years of blood and tissue preservation.
– One-time payment. No additional costs.
– Family health service that includes: first visit at Celular Clinic Andorra for father or mother and special discounts on our treatments.

( Price IGI not included)

price: €990 + €60*

– 1st year of preservation free of charge.
– Preservation of 6 cryo tubes of tissue cells.
– Annual renewal: you choose how long you want to preserve the tissue cells.
*anual fee from the 2nd year of preservation onwards.

(prices IGI not included)

How can you preserve your baby's stem cells?

It’s really easy and with no risk for the mother or the baby
The process of preserving umbilical cord stem cells is simple, safe and does not represent any risk or pain for the mother or the baby. Once you contract the service, we will give you a collection kit that you will have to take with you on the day you give birth.
During delivery, the umbilical cord is cut and the blood and tissue is collected and stored in the kit until we collect it. We then process and store the stem cells for 30 years in our laboratory.

Please, fill in the form and we will contact you without obligation:

Or if you prefer, call us at:

+376 727 723