
How do I organise the service with Cellab?

Organising the service for your family is a simple process. All families must complete an information sheet, and sign an agreement governing the relationship between Cellab and the family and provide us with a copy of the first trimester of pregnancy analysis. Once we have this completed, we send the collection CellabKit home.

Why do you ask for first trimester analytics?

For safety. The gynecologist always asks for a serology test as part of this analysis to rule out that the mother is positive for a number of infectious agents, including HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis.

When do you deliver the CellabKit?

About the day of delivery

What should we do when we arrive at the Hospital?

Upon admission to the hospital notify the healthcare team that you will be privately collecting your baby’s cord blood and/or cord tissue. When you arrive, either you, or one of your support persons, must call to give us prior notice that you have been admitted to give birth. Once the gynecologist has collected the cells, we will be notified by the ohspital’s clinical laboratory to go and collect them.

What should we bring with us to the hospital on the day of delivery?

Once you go into labour, simply remember to bring the CellabKit to the hospital for the gynecologist to collect the cells.

What if we forget and leave our CellabKit at home on the day of delivery?

For families who omit to bring their kit or who give birth sooner than expected Cellab do have a stock of kits available at Hospital Nostra Senyora de Meritxell.

After the birth

What should we do once we have given birth?

Enjoy your new baby and recover. Your child’s cells are in the best hands and we will contact you to give you all the results within a few days.

How will you know if the cord cells are viable for preservation?

Once the samples are back in the lab they go through the following rigorous processing steps before they are cryogenically preserved.

Once we have processed the blood cells and tissue we validate to ensure they are in perfect condition prior to cryopreservation.

We know the sterility of the sample a few days later as we send a small fraction of the blood to an external laboratory. As soon as we receive the results, we issue the final certificate.

When will you charge us for the service?

At Cellab we do not invoice anything until we validate that everything is correct and we have sent you the final certificates.

How is payment for the service arranged?

Our administration department can arrange a charge to your current account or you can make a bank transfer.

Financing the service

Do you finance the amount of the service?

Yes. We provide the option of financing through the main financial institutions of Andorra. Families can finance part or all of the cost of the service.

On stem cells

Which cells are preserved?

We preserve cord blood stem cells (hematopoietic cells – HSC) and cord tissue stem cells (mesenchymal cells).

What are blood stem cells for?

They are currently used to transplant patients who suffer from blood-type diseases, mainly such as leukemias, lymphomas, anemias, etc. Cord blood is used to treat up to 85 different diseases in the world.

What are the stem cells of the tissue for?

Cord tissue is rich in mesenchymal cells, a type of cell that has the ability to differentiate and help heal and regenerate damaged tissue. They are the potential of regenerative medicine and the cell therapies that are done with this type of cell are being studied.

At what time is the blood from the umbilical cord collected?

It is collected just after delivery and before the placenta comes off. The collection process is done with a needle bag quickly in order to prevent all the blood from passing to the baby. Gynecologists are very familiar with this procedure as they have received specific training to perform the collection.

Does collecting cord blood pose a risk to the mother or baby?

No. The blood is collected once the gynecologist has cut the cord and the process is painless, very simple and completely safe.

Can the cord be collected if a cesarean section is performed?

Yes, there is no downside.

In which cases is it not advisable to pick up the cord?

In cases of premature birth, placental abruption or low birth weight babies, as it is more logical for blood to pass to the baby because of the benefits it brings.

How long can stem cells be stored?

Studies to date have shown that stem cells can be preserved indefinitely provided the cryopreservation technique is used (preserving them with liquid nitrogen below -150 ° C).

What guarantee do I have that Cellab processes and preserves with the highest quality?

Every two years, we are accredited by the prestigious American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)  for all the processes used to ensure that families, like yours who trust Cellab do so with the highest quality criteria. In addition, the Andorran Government’s Ministry of Health, who authorize us, carry out regular inspections.